Join a round-table discussion organized by the Regional Information for Society (RIfS), a core-project of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP).


September 24, 2024
13:15 – 14:30 UTC

In concert with the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Scientific Steering Group to take place in Montreal, QC Canada, we will explore a local case study of long-term collaboration between scientists and regional stakeholders. This discussion will feature experts from Hydro-Québec, the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Wildlife, and Parks (MELCCFP) of Quebec, and Ouranos—a boundary organization providing climate services and the host of the RIfS IPO.



13:15 – 14:30 UTC

Zoom (link available upon registration)

Bridging the Gap: Collaborative Approaches to Climate Adaptation in Quebec 

This event will explore how these organizations perceive and address the challenges of climate change, and how that has changed as a result of their partnership. The panelists will discuss their early reflections on climate impacts, the motivations behind their collaboration, and the evolution of their modes of working together. Key topics will include how collaboration has influenced and been integrated in policy-making in regards to water management, operational strategies, and the development of effective climate adaptation strategies. The discussion will also cover the challenges encountered in this process. We welcome you to share in this opportunity to gain insights into the intersection of science, policy, and industry for climate resilience in one particular regional context.

This is a case where the organizations have a long history together.  Founded in 2001 in response to extreme climate events that highlighted Quebec’s vulnerability, Ouranos was established through the shared vision of the Government of Quebec, Hydro-Québec, and Environment Canada to provide Quebec and Canada with an organization capable of ensuring a complementarity between climate science and society’s needs to effectively adapt to climate change.


  • Richard Turcotte, Senior science advisor, Direction principale de l’expertise hydrique, Ministère de l’Environnement, Lutte contre les changements climatiques, Faune et Parcs
  • Isabelle Chartier, Researcher in hydrology and climate change, System Resilience Unit, Hydro-Québec’s Research Center
  • Dominique Paquin, Head of the Climate Simulation and Analysis Group, Ouranos