Call for members – Joint Task Team on Responsible Data Use
(This call is now closed)

The Regional Information for Society (RIfS) is seeking experts to join a new task team dedicated to the responsible use of climate data. The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) is currently the basis of a large number of efforts to plan for future climate on scales that are not always well-resolved in GCMs, often via derived products that seek to add value regarding additional processes. Given the well-established role of CMIP data, and derived products, to inform decisions at the regional scale, this task team seeks to reduce data misuse by developing recommendations for better means of documenting the limitations of CMIP model outputs for various key applications.

Expected outcome

  • Identify a first set of limitations that can be communicated.
  • Identify options for how appropriate uses and potential for misuse can be communicated to the impact and adaptation communities.
  • Provide recommendations, including preferred options, to the CMIP Panel and RIfS Scientific Steering Group (SSG).
  • Establish a preliminary framework to develop a more comprehensive response to this problem.

Tasks and responsibilities of the task team members

  • Gather information on some of the more common or representative ways that CMIP data is being used “downstream” with a focus on supporting users from under-resourced regions.
  • Reach out to modeling centers to understand how they understand the appropriate uses of a range of model output variables, and of entire model components.
  • Develop options for reporting on fitness-for-purpose in metadata and/or via other mechanisms at varying levels of detail, in coordination with the Model Documentation Task Team.
  • Determine, through user engagement, the optimal communication methods and channels for appropriate use information to users.
  • Attend and contribute to meetings, typically convened monthly, to drive progress and make decisions.
  • Work with other panel members to support delivery of the objectives of the task team.
  • Follow the WCRP Code of Conduct.


We are seeking experts with experience in at least two of the following. The task team as a whole should include people with expertise in:

  • Global climate model development and sensitivity analysis
  • Experience running or working within climate services operations
  • Track record of translating climate data for impact assessments
  • Understanding of regional/local decision-making contexts
  • Expertise in co-developing climate information with users
  • Experience with CMIP and/or CORDEX data applications and limitations
  • Knowledge of data quality assessment and uncertainty communication

Time commitment

Meetings will take place regularly, typically one hour every month, with a multi-day in-person meeting planned for 2025. Other meetings will primarily be online, with some face-to-face meetings, if possible, to leverage suitable opportunities. Some out-of-hours work will be required due to time zones, but every effort will be made to rotate meeting times to ensure fairness across the members. Furthermore, some work will be required between meetings to reach the objectives of the task team.

The initial membership term is 18 months, with possible one-year extension.

How to apply

To nominate someone (including self-nomination), please complete this application form.


Applications must be received by March 21 at 17:00 UTC. * This call is now closed *

Selection process and criteria

The call selection panel will consist of the interim co-chairs, and representatives from the RIfS and CMIP steering bodies and project offices.

The Task Team will have a maximum of 15 members. At least two members will be selected who are active with CORDEX and willing to serve as liaisons.

The call selection panel will undertake the shortlisting of the applications. The identified names will then be submitted as a recommendation to the RIfS Scientific Steering Group and CMIP Panel for final approval.


Task team members are not paid. Financial support to travel and participate in person to relevant meetings may be available on a case-by-case basis.

Diversity and inclusion

WCRP is committed to diversity and inclusion. We strongly encourage applications from:

  • Early to mid-career researchers
  • Experts from all regions of the world
  • Women and other underrepresented groups in climate science

Questions and contact

For questions about this call, please contact the RIfS office: