Robustness of Climate Change Information for Decisions

Workshop | Brussels, Belgium and online | April 22-24, 2024

Find more information on pre-meeting activities

Pre-workshop reading

Find a few short readings, to set a common foundation.

Invitation to discussion forum

Introduce yourself and get to know the other workshop participants.

Submit narratives

Do you have a practical experience coming across a non-congruence in regional climate information? What did you learn from this?

Pre-workshop reading

To give us some common frameworks:

We’re also sharing a longer, running list of papers that we’ll continue to add to. If you need access to a pay-walled paper, please contact us to request a copy.

Discussion forum

Please contact us if you did not receive the invitation link.

We’ve created a space on the private RIfS forum for workshop participants to introduce ourselves and discuss the materials in the lead-up to the meeting. The following questions are offered as prompts:


  • Why were you interested in joining this workshop? What do you hope will come out of it?
  • How does one measure if information is robust enough to act on with societal consequence?
  • What are the ethical responsibilities of a climate modeler / climate services practitioner / other in their handling of climate information?
  • When there is a climate literacy gap, who has responsibility to bridge the gap?

Submit narratives

Do you have a practical experience coming across a non-congruence in regional climate information? What did you learn from this?

  1. Opportunity to share your experiences on a panel at the meeting: We are looking for case examples to participate in the session on lessons from the past. We invite you to submit by 8 April a short description from your experience that illustrates key lessons. Selected panelists will have ~5-8 minutes to present their case example.
  2. If you prefer not to serve on a panel, we’d still like to hear from you. You can submit a brief description to include in a collection as part of the meeting outputs. You are welcome to do this any time through the end of the meeting.

If you choose option 1, and we cannot accommodate you on the panel, your submission will be aggregated along with those from option 2 for the workshop summary report.


Descriptions should be in the form of a short abstract, and can be submitted here.



Please address questions to the WCRP RIfS International Project Office at